Mandatory initial military service
In 2015 Republic Lithuania reintroduced military conscription. At the beginning of every year lists of military conscripts of the calendar year are drawn up randomly. You may check the list of military conscripts online: All citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, men aged 18-23 can be invited to perform compulsory military service in the Lithuanian Armed Forces for a period of 9 months. The priority shall be given to volunteers. It is important to emphasize that neither the Law on Mandatory Military Service nor other legislation provide a legal basis for an exemption from the military service to a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who is a citizen of another state at the same time and (or) serves at the moment or has completed service at the army of another country.
Military conscript may apply to the regional Military Conscription and Recruitment Division for deferral of the service on grounds of disproportionate damage to his personal or public interests if he considers that such damage would be prevented if the military service is performed at any other time.
For additional questions and clarifications, we would suggest you to contact Lithuanian military duty and recruitment department in Vilnius:
Mindaugo str. 26, Vilnius 03225, Lithuania
+370 5 2 30 96 91, +370 706 84 376
Web address: